
Intent to Implement: WebGPU

opensoftware 2018. 6. 12. 16:40

드디어 WebGPU를 Chromium에서 구현하나 보다. (관련글)

다음은 bink-dev에 올라온 글의 일부이다. 애플이 WebKIt에 Metal을 이용해서 만든 WebGPU와 얼마나 비슷한지 궁금하다. 같은 이름인 것으로 보아 애플의 제안이 많이 받아들여진 것 같다. 


Work-in-progress IDL: https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/blob/master/design/sketch.webidl

The “GPU for the Web” community group is approaching resolution on most-high level issues, but hasn’t looked at the detail or user-experience of the API yet.


The WebGPU API is the successor to the WebGL and WebGL 2 graphics APIs for the Web. It will provide modern features such as “GPU compute” as well as lower overhead access to GPU hardware and better, more predictable performance. WebGPU is being developed by the “GPU for the Web” W3C community group.


Applications on the Web are becoming ever more interactive, which increases the demand for programmable 3D graphics, image processing, and GPU access in general. WebGL and WebGL 2 fulfill some of this demand, but do not match the features or performance of modern native graphics APIs.

WebGPU will close the gap in terms of performance, and introduce “GPU compute” functionality to the Web. This will help porting native applications to WASM that require native features, and will unlock the performance of GPU-accelerated scientific computing on the Web (including machine learning).

In addition WebGPU will give developers more predictable performance by being in the style of “explicit GPU APIs” and by being designed to map efficiently on all modern native graphics APIs.